Thursday, 5 July 2007

my briar kestrel

All right. I need a title for this blog. I don’t want to go for anything plain or common or obvious, or use a quote that might sound pretentious, like I’m borrowing from some other writer to compensate for my lack of inspiration, so what I’ll do is be clever and see what anagrams I can get a computer program to come up with for Kimberley Starr.

Ooh, this looks promising. This might work. I quite like Sky Tier Rambler although, on deeper thought, meaninglessness probably does count against it. My Briar Kestrel loses out on the same grounds. Ye Skirt Rambler sounds right for the sort of naughty log I don’t want to write. And Me Library Treks sounds authentically Australian, but I pronounce the y in my, honest. At least I think I do.

There are no other promising suggestions for Kimberley Starr. What then of anagrams for Kimberley Starr’s Blog? I’m quite keen on including the word ramble -- except that most choices I’m then offered include unpleasant sounds or images like brisket and gerbil. Looking for an anagram title that includes the word remarks (I think, how appropriate!) brings me a long list of options concerning slobbery bellboys and bigotry. Gerbils make a repeat appearance, this time accompanied by giblets.

Abandoning the hope to include specific words I fancy, I ask the computer for any three words from any combination of my name and other appropriate others like writing and blog. Something meaningful might yet turn up. But honestly, I don’t want anything about bakery monsters. And Try Berserk Globalism might have been interesting if I was considering discussing politics. But I'm not -- though now and then, it might get a passing mention.

A long time later and I’m not getting anywhere with any variations and I’m finding it increasingly easy to be distracted by emails. I’ll give it one more go. This is the best I get. Grim knits literary brew. It’s only superficially appealing. Looks like I’ll be sticking with this for a while. Kimberley Starr’s Blog.

edited 14 July because I was flipping through the pages of Aspects of the Novel and finally found something that both sounds right for the sort of blog I want to keep, and goes some way towards summarising my own feeling about writing. Thankyou, E.M.!

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Fantasy Worlds at the Brisbane Writers Festival

This will be exciting! Appearance at the Brisbane Writers Festival  with Garth Nix, Amie Kaufman and Jay Ktistoff!